An industrious forum poster over at DVX User dreamed up a little DIY project that will make you go “hmm”.
Depending on the capabilities of the Canon 50D HDMI output, this may or may not be possible; however, here’s his thoughts on the above mockup:
I imagine a Zeiss Planar glass (cause I know it locks at infinite focus)
mounted on a railsystem
with followfocus attached to the lens
a little mount adapter screws it to the
the short hdmi cable goes to the portable hdmi recorder (haven’t looked into those products yet) also attached to rails
This guy thinks we might be able to use the increased resolution of the Canon 50D along with the HDMI output to do some fancy HD video. (Sample video after the jump.)
While I’m not going to turn a 50D into the above monstrosity, it’s always interesting to how people find a way to get gear to do things it was never contemplated to do.
Think this is all just wishful thinking? Take a second and watch the below video that the above-mentioned forum poster put together using the 40D’s live view function. The only question he’s got is whether you can shut off the white center box in the 50D (you can’t in the 40D). Anyone know the answer to that?
Now, what’s your thoughts on this contraption?